Tennis Elbow – It hurts like hell, what should I do?

You would never have thought that twisting the cap of a water bottle or lifting a small tray could cause a problem, and now this simple motion is so painful at the elbow that you’re unable to perform it? It’s quite possible that tennis elbow is the underlying issue. Let’s see what this is and what can be done against it! 

If you experience intolerable pain above the elbow in the upper arm, on the outside of the elbow and/or on the outside of the forearm when you make certain types of everyday hand movements involving the back of the hand, wrist and forearm, there is a good chance that you have fallen victim to this widespread disease. The development of tennis elbow is triggered by regularly repeated movements that, over time, lead to overexertion of the extensor muscles in the forearm. It doesn’t necessarily have to involve heavy physical labour, although activities such as digging can indeed be a causative factor. Nowadays, it is more commonly associated with sophisticated, monotonous work as a triggering factor. For example, activities such as computer use, continuous mouse usage, or typing, and even playing the piano. Originally observed frequently among tennis players – hence its name – but it can also develop as a result of regular fencing, golfing, boxing as well as other physical activities.

A teniszkönyök legszembetűnőbb tünete, a nyilalló fájdalom leggyakrabban a kézfejek leghétköznapibb fogó-, szorító-, vagy emelő mozdulatait nehezíti meg.

Symptoms and Causes

As a result of tennis elbow, even the simplest movements can become impossible, causing unbearable pain during basic gripping or squeezing or lifting movements. Typically, it is mainly certain movements of the back of the hand that trigger the pain that manifests higher up. This is because the movement of the hand activates the extensor muscles of the forearm, leading to tendonitis or periosteal inflammation. The background of the symptoms often involves the shortening of the affected extensor muscles and instability in the elbow. Due to regular strain, elbow pain becomes persistent, gradually intensifying over time, and the elbow area becomes highly sensitive to pressure.


The treatment of tennis elbow is recommended to initiate through multiple methods simultaneously

  1. Relief
  • First and foremost, cease the activity triggering the disease for at least a month.
  • Rest your hand and arm, and you may elevate them as well.
  • Temporarily immobilize the arm: Wearing a specialized support can be beneficial to prevent excessive tension in the affected muscles and tendons. Excellent option for this purpose is the Actimove Elbow Support or a Wrist Stabilizer, depending on the specific muscle and tendon groups affected.


  1. Inflammation and Pain Relief
  • In case of acute pain, apply ice to the affected area.
  • Use anti-inflammatory creams.
  • If absolutely necessary, take pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications.
  • As a last resort, lidocaine and steroid injections may be considered.

How do Actimove products help in the case of tennis elbow?

A teniszkönyök egészséges rehabilitációját érdemes mihamarabb, már az akut tünetek megjelenésekor, szükség esetén szakértői segítség bevonásával megkezdeni.

The Actimove Elbow Support is available in four sizes, and there is also a sport version, moreover it is suitable for wearing on either arm. It provides support and stabilization for the lower and upper arm around the elbow, preventing not only pain during movement but also reducing additional strain and potential muscle injuries. By alleviating stress on arm, it promotes the recovery process.

At the same time, long-term and continuous wearing is recommended only during acute conditions, and even then, it is recommended to remove it at night. Following the acute period, it should only be worn for critical movements and/or sports activities, for a maximum duration of half to three hours. Excessive use is not recommended because it may lead to muscle atrophy and may damage the stabilizing, holding, and strength-exerting functions of the muscles. After the acute phase, the shortened muscles require therapeutic exercises involving gradual stretching and lengthening, as a lack of movement can negatively impact the regeneration process over time. Strengthening the adjacent joints (shoulder, wrist) is also recommended. Prior to use, it is recommended to seek the opinion of a medical professional or physiotherapist.

In certain cases, the use of the Actimove Wrist Stabilizer can also be beneficial. This is also available in four sizes as well and exerts its effects on a similar principle to the elbow support  and similar guidelines apply for wearing it.

Both products were developed by biomechanical experts, and their ergonomic design follows the body’s contours, ensuring anatomically aligned recovery, support, and stabilization and with  these features they contribute to pain reduction. Both products are washable at 40 °C. The elbow support is crafted with an innovative spiral design, providing therapeutic compression and reducing edema and pain.

Tennis Elbow Rehabilitation

A szakorvosi és gyógytornász által nyújtott segítségen túlmutatóan az Actimove gyógyászati segédeszközök segítenek a teniszkönyök hatékony rehabilitációjában.

The long-term recovery following the development of tennis elbow requires persistent physiotherapy, starting from the post-acute phase. The rehabilitation exercises consist of stretching and strengthening activities aimed at elongating stiff tendons, ligaments, and surrounding muscles and strengthen the associated muscles. This stretching and strengthening process is fundamental for regaining muscle strength and restoring joint range of motion and healthy musculoskeletal function. The exercises can also improve the physiological functions of the joints, helping to prevent the recurrence of the problem. Initially, place your forearm on the table with the palm facing downward, gently pressing your hand into the surface. Then, very cautiously, attempt subtle up-and-down movements of the wrist and strengthen the grip for example with using a stress ball. If the condition was severe, seeking the assistance of a physiotherapist during the rehabilitation process is advisable –  tennis elbow is not to be underestimated: if we are not cautious, it can make our everyday life challenging for a lifetime.